اسلام ، ہندومت اور اقوام متحدہ کے چارٹر برائے انسانی حقوق کا تقابلی جائزہ

The Comparative Analysis of Islam, Hinduism, and the United Nations Charter on Human Rights


  • Dr.Abd ul Rahman Khalil In charge Conferences, Sheykh Zayed Islamic Center , Peshawar

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Hindu caste system, UN Charter, Equality, Human dignity, Cultural norms, Religious laws, Social justice


The article delves into the intricate relationship between the caste system in Hinduism and the principles of human rights as outlined in the United Nations Charter. It argues that the caste system, deeply rooted in Hindu society, inherently obstructs the realization of fundamental human rights, as it imposes limitations on equality, which is the cornerstone of all human rights. The caste system, being inherently a religious law for Hindus, is fundamentally incompatible with the principles enshrined in the UN Charter for Human Rights. The article elucidates that while the UN Charter recognizes and guarantees inherent human rights for all individuals irrespective of their birth, the hierarchical nature of the caste system in Hinduism contradicts this principle by denying equal status to all individuals at birth. Furthermore, it discusses how the concepts of varna (caste) and dharma (duty) in Hinduism prioritize social obligations over individual rights, thus perpetuating inequality and hindering the realization of human rights. However, it acknowledges that the principle of ahimsa (non-violence) in Hinduism aligns with some aspects of human rights, emphasizing respect for human dignity. Additionally, the article contrasts the Islamic concept of rights of individuals (Haqooq al-Ibad) and the Western notion of social security, emphasizing the spiritual and moral dimensions of human rights as opposed to purely materialistic interpretations. It concludes by advocating for a universal understanding of human rights rooted in the innate dignity and equality of all individuals, transcending cultural and religious barriers.

