تاریخ کبیر میں امام بخاریؒ کی اصطلاح”تركوه“ کا تحقیقی جائزہ

A Research Review of Imam Bukhari’s term “Tarakūho” In Al Tārīkh al Kabīr


  • Muhammad NONAN Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic & Arabic Studies, University of Swat
  • Dr. Zia Ud Din Lecturer, Department of Islamic & Arabic Studies, University of Swat
  • Dr. Muhammad Zahid Associate Professor, Khyber Medical College Peshawar

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Tarakūho, Imām Bukhārī, Ḥadīth, Jarḥ wa Ta’dīl,


Since enemies of Islāam had been striving to demolish the foundations of Islām by generating doubt regarding the basic sources of Islām, Qurān Karīm and Aḥādīth Mubārakah. Due to this reason, many fabricated, false and unuthentic Aḥādīth have been associated with the Prophet Ṣallallāho ’Alayhi Wasallam. But the Mujāhidīn of Islām, being the defenders of Islām, had left no stone unturned in this regard to safeguard the forte of Islām from all kinds of objections being raised by foes of Islām and to nullify them. Among them the unique academic contribution of Imām Bukhārī is remarkable. He has laid down principles of criticism for the judgment of the narrations being associated with the Peace be Upon Him. It is therefore, he who is considered as Imām of "Fani Asmā‘ al Rijāl." He introduced various terminologies in his book "Al-Tārīkh Al Kabīr," among them is the term "Tarkūho". What does he intend by this term? Does this term imply severe weakness or mild weakness? Have other critical scholars (‘A‘immah Jarḥ wa Ta’dīl) criticized (Jarḥ) the narrators of Ḥadīth using this term or not? According to them, does this term imply severe weakness or mild weakness? An attempt has been made in this article to answer the above questions.

