سیدنامعاویہؓ کی شخصیت وکردار ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

An investigation to the character and personality of Syedna Muawiya (R.A.)


  • Dr. Aftab Ahmad Assistant Professor Department Islamic Studies, SBB University Sheringal Dir Upper
  • Dr. Rasheed Ahmad Director affiliation Majma Ul Uloom Al Islamia, Lecturer Jamia tur Rasheed Karachi

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Keywords: Syedna Muawiya (R.A.) A Character and personality



The Companions of the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW) are well-known personalities in the history of the world. They played a very important role in each walk of life, wither it is related to politics, Social, ethical and financial matter. Syedna Muawiya (R.A.) is one of the political personality and having strategic capabilities to run political society smoothly. Some of the historians did not do justice in this case and wrote against him which creates queries about him.

But with the passage of time some Historian wrote illegal statements against him. They declared him a bad Politician and so on. Well known Muslim Researchers and Literati People depend him and give much justification. What is reason behind this? What type of man He is? This research paper will describe Seerat and character of Hazrat Muawiya (RA) which is not only solve that issues but also help to illuminate and visible each side of His life.




