Hazaraislamicus https://hazaraislamicus.com/index.php/home <p style="text-align: justify;">Hazara Islamicus is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed bi-annual Journal published by the department of Islamic and Religious Studies Hazara University Mansehra. The Journal is dedicated to publish articles on Islamic History, Thoughts, Theology, Islamic law, and Civilization and Cultural issues. Furthermore, the Journal also encourages the authors to submit researches conducted under interdisciplinary collaboration on the important socio-Religious issues including interfaith harmony and studies in contemporary religions. The main objective of Hazara Islamicus is to promote Islamic based research through modern research techniques and social science methodologies. Furthermore, the journal also strives to address the socio, economic, political and legal issues of the globalized words through Islamic perspective in order to create viable and sustainable solutions to these issues.</p> <p class="card-text text-justify text-info"> </p> Hazara University, Mansehra en-US Hazaraislamicus 2305-3283 The Divine Wisdom behind Symbiotic Rights (Parenting & Children’s Rights): Muslim Classical Literature & Modern World Challenges https://hazaraislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/213 <p class="EnglishQuotation" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; margin: 0cm 21.6pt .0001pt 36.0pt;"><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to explore Islamic teachings on parenting as a way of life, highlighting its importance and significance for those in familial relationships. It delves into how divine injunctions [Quran and Sunnah] effectively address the rights of all involved, with a focus on the symbiotic rights of parents and children. The research suggests that traditional parenting methods should be rejuvenated over a model based on Islamic principles and laws.</span></p> <p class="EnglishQuotation" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; margin: 0cm 21.6pt .0001pt 36.0pt;"><span lang="EN-US">The Research utilizes a qualitative method, focusing on the analysis of Quranic Ayats and Hadiths from Saheeh,-ul-Bukhari, one of the six authentic collections of Hadith, to explore parenting and children's rights. Additionally, it employs a comparative method to juxtapose current inherited parenting practices within the Muslim community against Islamic teachings. Secondary facts is sourced from books on usul,-al-fiqh (principles of Islamic, jurisprudence), reputable journal articles, and online content.</span></p> <p class="EnglishQuotation" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; margin: 0cm 21.6pt .0001pt 36.0pt;"><span lang="EN-US">The study is expected to reveal that most parenting practices are inherited, with parents raising their children similarly to how they were raised. It will likely show that the wisdom and guidance of Quranic verses and Hadiths are often overlooked or only partially implemented in child-rearing. The research will conclude that the Islamic model of parenting upholds the rights of all stakeholders, resulting in well-nurtured, well-educated, ethically grounded individuals who better understand and respect the rights of others, including juveniles, females, minorities, and other concerned groups.</span></p> <p class="EnglishQuotation" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; margin: 0cm 21.6pt .0001pt 36.0pt;"><span lang="EN-US">This study, rooted in the teachings of Allah, provides a timeless and universal perspective that addresses the needs of all individuals. As emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him): "The creation are dependents, of Allah. The most beloved among the creation to Allah, is he who is best to His dependents," [Al-Jami` as-Saghir; Shuab-al-Iman]. The research underscores essential divine principles that offer an authentic portrayal of parenting, ensuring the rights of all stakeholders and thereby adding valuable knowledge to the field.</span></p> Dr. Qaisar Bilal Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Hazaraislamicus 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 13 1 01 11 رسالتِ محمدیہﷺ کی عالم گیریت سے متعلق پولس انطاکی کی آراء کا تجزیہ https://hazaraislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/211 <p><em>Muslim Christian polemics have long history since the emergence of Islam. This article spreads light on one of such polemical aspect initiated by Paul of Antioch, a Christian theologian who served as the bishop of the Melkite Church in Sidon. He prepared a document titled “Letter to a Muslim Friend” and spread it among Muslim communities in the 12th and 13th centuries in Egypt, Syria, and Baghdad. In this document, he presented various claims. One of those claims was that the Quran describes Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as an apostle of God sent to the Arabs communities only. The nature of his prophethood was not universal, which is why Christians do not stand in the domain of his propagation. He tried to infer this discourse through out of context interpretations of some selected Quranic verses.&nbsp; Such interpretations were highly criticized by not just Muslim Scholars but modern Christians as well. On another side such claim of Paul has not only been accepted in modern oriental discourses, but it has also been supported with new and numerous pieces of evidences and logics. This article presents an account of such a theory and an analysis has been put forward in this regard with the help of Quranic verses, sayings of the holy prophet, and historical evidences. At the end of the article, the results of the study have been given as a conclusion.</em></p> Syed Adeel Shah Rukhsana Tabassam Safia Copyright (c) 2024 Hazaraislamicus 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 13 1 1 16 منکرین حدیث پر سردار محمد عبد القیوم خان کی تنقیدات https://hazaraislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/215 <p class="EnglishQuote"><span lang="EN-US">Among the religious services of Sardar Muhammad Abdul Qayyum Khan, the book "Fitnah Ankar-e-Sunnah" is on the top of list, which has been published in five volumes. In this book, Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan has presented his personal observations, experiences and analyzes related to denial of hadith in detail. In this article, a descriptive study of the basic discussions of that book has been presented. The materials related to Hadith Denial dispersed in the four volumes of "Fitnah Ankar-e-Sunnah” has been summarized and it has been organized in proper order shortly. Sardar Abd al-Qayyum has not ménage to qoute references in his book. In this article, they have been presented. In addition, Sardar Abdul Qayyum has not identified the sources of the objections of hadith denials. Along with this, in addition to the opinions of Sardar Abdul Qayyum, the counter narratives of important Muslim thinkers have also been presented in the answers and analytical parts of the article. Sardar Abdul Qayyum has presented details about the history of compilation of hadith, the authenticity of hadith and answers to the objections of the deniers of hadith. He has encouraged both the new generation and scholars to draw attention to this and face it on the academic front. In this context, he has also drawn attention to books that are engaged on the intellectual front against this group prevailing in Muslim societies.</span></p> Hussain Ahmed Dr. Saleem Raza Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 13 1 17 42