The Divine Wisdom behind Symbiotic Rights (Parenting & Children’s Rights): Muslim Classical Literature & Modern World Challenges


  • Dr. Qaisar Bilal Post doctorate Fellow at Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Faisal Masjid Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan/ & Chairperson, Department of Islamic Studies Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat
  • Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad Head, Department of Comparative Study of World Religions, Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Faisal Masajid Campus,Islamabad


This study aims to explore Islamic teachings on parenting as a way of life, highlighting its importance and significance for those in familial relationships. It delves into how divine injunctions [Quran and Sunnah] effectively address the rights of all involved, with a focus on the symbiotic rights of parents and children. The research suggests that traditional parenting methods should be rejuvenated over a model based on Islamic principles and laws.

The Research utilizes a qualitative method, focusing on the analysis of Quranic Ayats and Hadiths from Saheeh,-ul-Bukhari, one of the six authentic collections of Hadith, to explore parenting and children's rights. Additionally, it employs a comparative method to juxtapose current inherited parenting practices within the Muslim community against Islamic teachings. Secondary facts is sourced from books on usul,-al-fiqh (principles of Islamic, jurisprudence), reputable journal articles, and online content.

The study is expected to reveal that most parenting practices are inherited, with parents raising their children similarly to how they were raised. It will likely show that the wisdom and guidance of Quranic verses and Hadiths are often overlooked or only partially implemented in child-rearing. The research will conclude that the Islamic model of parenting upholds the rights of all stakeholders, resulting in well-nurtured, well-educated, ethically grounded individuals who better understand and respect the rights of others, including juveniles, females, minorities, and other concerned groups.

This study, rooted in the teachings of Allah, provides a timeless and universal perspective that addresses the needs of all individuals. As emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him): "The creation are dependents, of Allah. The most beloved among the creation to Allah, is he who is best to His dependents," [Al-Jami` as-Saghir; Shuab-al-Iman]. The research underscores essential divine principles that offer an authentic portrayal of parenting, ensuring the rights of all stakeholders and thereby adding valuable knowledge to the field.

