مخطّطات الغرب وكيفية تجنّبها في ضوء فكر الشيخ الندوي

The schemes of the West and how to avoid them in the light of the thought of Sheikh Al-Nadawi


  • Adil Shah PhD Scholar, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Hidayat ur Rahman Kafeel Assistant Professor, Faculty of Usuluddin, International Islamic University, Islamabad.


civilization, dominated, faith, certainty, senses, religion, ideology, weakness, aforementioned disease


The civilization that dominated the world two hundred years ago its knowledge, faith and certainty is confined to the senses only. And they have nothing to support belief in the unseen. At the present time, where there are more than one billion Muslims in the world. The majority of them live in more than fifty (50) countries. However there is no Islamic way of life in most Muslim countries. Both in terms of religion and ideology and the weakness of faith among these Muslims takes the form of an outright denial of the existence of Allah or the message. Many of them are deprived of this firm belief and attachment to Allah. This complete confidence in leadership and guidance; because of their suffering from the aforementioned disease of mankind. Who does not need to be Allah the ruler in all matters of life?
Abu Al-Hasan Ali Al-Nadawi was one of the scholars of the twentieth century and the great preacher of Muslims. He was one of those who devoted their life to getting Muslims out of this misery. And he explained to Muslims all the temptations of the West that he had adopted and presented their solution in the light of Islam. And he told Muslims that your best is in Islam only.
In this article, we mention the plans of the West and its solution in the light of the thought of Sheikh Al-Nadawi, and the arrangement of the article according to: At the beginning we describe the concept of the West, then the rise of the West, then the plans of the West, then its solution, and in the end the conclusion and recommendations.

