اِسلامی نظام عدل اور آزاد جموں و کشمیرکا عدالتی ماڈل

Islamic Justice System and Judicial model of Azad Jammu & Kashmir


  • Dr. Fareed Ud Din Tariq Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic studies, The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, (AJ&K)
  • Dr. Hasnat Gillani Department of Law, The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir


Keyword: Islamic state, judicial system, institutes, contemporary era.


It is a natural thing that mutual disagreements and discords appear in a community of people. Societies and community organizations come into existence to make sure to establish a balance between mutual rights and obligations of the people. This structure is called the state and the government, and the main responsibility of a state government particularly an Islamic government is to establish justice. Islam, though, its justice system keeps all the elements of the society in its rightful places. This system requires that all-around justice is established at all levels.

The study of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah make it evidently clear that in the formation of the Islamic state this principle of balance is present in every respect. Together with this, Islam also provides a code of conduct to guide the behavior of those who are appointed to implement law and justice in society i.e. judges. Judiciary is the most important element and the central axis in the Islamic system of governance.  The object of this research is to give a clear ,accurate and simple account of the rules and regulations of administration of justice in Islam as found through investigative study of Fiqh, Islamic judicial history, and other sources, .

In this article, where the formation and role of the judiciary in the Islamic state will be reviewed, the structural creation of the administrative institutions related to the justice system, their importance and the practical role played by these institutions in eradicating crimes and establishing justice and equity appoint and appropriateness of persons to run these institutions will be discussed.

